Nazara’s NODWIN Gaming To Pick Up 100% Stake In Freaks 4U Gaming For INR 271 Cr

Nazara’s NODWIN Gaming To Pick Up 100% Stake In Freaks 4U Gaming For INR 271 Cr


Its Singapore-based subsidiary, NODWIN Gaming International Pte. Ltd, will increase its existing 13.51% stake in Freaks 4U Gaming GmbH to 100%

Since the acquisition of a minority stake in Freaks 4U Gaming in January 2024, NODWIN has been working with the Freaks 4U Gaming management on integration of the two businesses

The two teams have already worked on jointly delivering high-profile projects such as the PUBG Mobile Global Open and Esports World Cup (EWC)

Nazara Technologies-backed NODWIN Gaming announced that its Singapore-based subsidiary, NODWIN Gaming International Pte. Ltd, will increase its existing 13.51% stake in Freaks 4U Gaming GmbH to 100% in tranches through a share swap valued at up to INR 271 Cr.

NODWIN Pte will initially increase its stake in Freaks 4U Gaming to 57%, with the remaining 43% held by founders Michael Haenisch, Matthias Remmert, and Jens Enders to be swapped at a later time at its option. Existing investors of Freaks 4U Gaming will become shareholders of NODWIN Pte.

This acquisition will enhance NODWIN Gaming’s capabilities, bringing in the expertise, experience and network of the Freaks 4U Gaming team and is expected to contribute materially to NODWINs revenues going forward, the company said in a statement.

Freaks 4U Gaming GmbH is a marketing services company for gaming and esports, delivering its services across the world.

Back in December, NODWIN Gaming had invested INR 33.26 Cr in Germany-based Freaks 4U Gaming GmbH via convertible note. Later in January, NODWIN Gaming announced around INR 71.8 Cr investment in the company.

Since the acquisition of a minority stake in Freaks 4U Gaming in January 2024, NODWIN has been working with the Freaks 4U Gaming management on integration of the two businesses and evaluating the synergies they present.

The two teams have already worked on jointly delivering high-profile projects such as the PUBG Mobile Global Open and Esports World Cup (EWC) and have jointly explored new business vertical opportunities. Based on the outcomes of this exercise and early traction on potential synergies, NODWIN Gaming and Freaks 4U Gaming have decided to proceed with this transaction.

“This acquisition is a pivotal step in our global growth strategy. By integrating Freaks 4U Gaming’s expertise and resources, we are poised to deliver unparalleled services and expand our global footprint in the gaming and esports industries. In Michael, we have a person who is highly regarded across the world for his wealth of experience and expertise in the sectors,” said NODWIN Gaming’s cofounder Akshat Rathee.

Founded in 2014 by Akshat Rathee and Gautam Virk, NODWIN Gaming is gradually emerging as a youth-centric recreational, entertainment company with esports being its primary focus area.

Although NODWIN started with esports tournaments, it has expanded its scope over the years to organise music festivals and other youth-centric events.

In addition to growing its intellectual properties (IPs) organically, NODWIN has also pursued mergers and acquisitions to broaden its reach and influence in the industry. Currently, it has over 50 IPs.

In a bid to expand its presence in the global entertainment landscape and diversify offerings, NODWIN Gaming acquired Comic Con India earlier this year.

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Nazara’s NODWIN Gaming To Pick Up 100% Stake In Freaks 4U Gaming For INR 271 Cr-Inc42 Media
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Nazara’s NODWIN Gaming To Pick Up 100% Stake In Freaks 4U Gaming For INR 271 Cr-Inc42 Media
Nazara’s NODWIN Gaming To Pick Up 100% Stake In Freaks 4U Gaming For INR 271 Cr-Inc42 Media
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